Alle Workshops:
14.-16.februar - "The 5 Rhythms Revisited - an esoteric exploration of the maps» med Alain Allard (UK)
4.- 6. april -tittel og med hvem er ikke bestemt
13.-15. juni - tittel og med hvem er ikke bestemt
17.-21.september «GOD SEX AND THE BODY» med Alex Mackay (over 5 dager)
14.-16.nov -tittel og med hvem er ikke bestemt
14.-16.februar - "The 5 Rhythms Revisited - an esoteric exploration of the maps» med Alain Allard (UK)
4.- 6. april -tittel og med hvem er ikke bestemt
13.-15. juni - tittel og med hvem er ikke bestemt
17.-21.september «GOD SEX AND THE BODY» med Alex Mackay (over 5 dager)
14.-16.nov -tittel og med hvem er ikke bestemt
14.- 16. februar, SCENEHUSET I OSLO
Dance occurs in the present, cannot be held or solidified, is the movement of an infinitely unfolding now.
The first workshop I went to with Gabrielle Roth was 30 something years ago; from then I continued to study her maps, and train and then teach the 5 Rhythms worldwide. After 20 years of teaching it just became clear that the intention of a map is to lead you somewhere.
We learn techniques and ways of doing until we are simply in the moment with whatever arises; transition from learning and practising a particular form to become one with formlessness.
From constriction to freedom, from labels to the delight of not knowing. To borrow from Van Morrison: "No Guru. No Method. No Teacher."
Dancing is not a theory about the eternal play of form and formlessness, spirit and matter, but an ever-changing unconditional visible expression of it. The present moment never ends, is always moving, is not this or that, cannot be fixed or known. It is just what is happening
In this workshop we will look at these maps, explore their wisdom and our relationship to them, and the infinitely spacious NOW.
The first workshop I went to with Gabrielle Roth was 30 something years ago; from then I continued to study her maps, and train and then teach the 5 Rhythms worldwide. After 20 years of teaching it just became clear that the intention of a map is to lead you somewhere.
We learn techniques and ways of doing until we are simply in the moment with whatever arises; transition from learning and practising a particular form to become one with formlessness.
From constriction to freedom, from labels to the delight of not knowing. To borrow from Van Morrison: "No Guru. No Method. No Teacher."
Dancing is not a theory about the eternal play of form and formlessness, spirit and matter, but an ever-changing unconditional visible expression of it. The present moment never ends, is always moving, is not this or that, cannot be fixed or known. It is just what is happening
In this workshop we will look at these maps, explore their wisdom and our relationship to them, and the infinitely spacious NOW.